SAL Engineering provides aerial and terrestrial photogrammetric surveys aimed at the three-dimensional reconstruction of terrains, structures, pylons, towers, archaeological sites, antennas, ruins, rocky walls, facades of historic buildings. We perform surveys aimed at the three-dimensional reconstruction with high accuracy and quality of objects, structures and terrains, which can be managed in any work environment, both CAD and BIM, and GIS.
The use of remote piloted systems in air, sea and terrestrial environment allows data to be acquired even in areas difficult to access or risky for the operator. The use of such systems allows, for certain types of relief, a strategic reduction of those that are normally unavoidable fixed costs: the means have low running costs, there is no pilot on board, there are no costs linked to airports or ports and the light logistics allows rapid movements and a faster and more efficient survey.
The photogrammetric survey aimed at the construction of the virtual model allows the modeling of environments and scenarios for virtual reality (VR), applied to rendering, videogames, visual art, and augmented reality (AR), applied to the use of archaeological and architectural assets, to the visualization and management of infrastructural networks, to the design of structures and infrastructures in BIM softwares.
The survey products will be three-dimensional models scaled and georeferenced in various formats: points cloud (LAS, ASCII, E57, PTX, SBF, etc.), textured mesh (PLY, OBJ, VTK, STL, OFF, FBX, etc.), geometric vector pattern (DXF, SHP, PDMS, etc.), images (JPG, PNG, GEOTIFF, TIF, ecc).
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